Thursday, September 23, 2010


Nakuru has been rated the fastest growing town in eastern africa at 13% while nairobi growth rate is estimated at 7%

Nakuru Mayor John Kitilit says the town would soon have an airport, and that the government has given out 642 acre piece of land for the project.

 Kitilit also said.
“The council together with the Provincial Administration is ready to arrange free security services for any business that is ready to start operating round the clock,”

Council treasurer John Gichachi says the council had reduced land rates to attract developers. He says the council’s revenues have risen by about Sh50 million from last year’s Sh400 million.
“We are hoping more investors will find base in Nakuru and invest here thus giving it a better status and creating employment for thousands of youths,” he says.

We as the youth of Nakuru should also help make Nakuru a better place to live in.(comment bellow on better ideas that the council should implement)